2021 Global Destination Index Reveals Top Event Destinations

Global DMC Partners (GDP) released its 2021 Global Destination Index this week, revealing the most popular destinations for meetings and events throughout 2021 as well as trending markets for 2022. The report is based on planner responses to a recent survey and the analysis of around 1,600 meeting and incentive RFPs in over 500 destinations.

Destinations have been hit hard throughout the pandemic but many kicked their COVID safety protocols into high gear in an effort to attract meeting and events business. Perceived safety will continue to be a driving force in the recovery of global destinations as planners and attendees still consider it a top priority.

Varying restrictions around the country have also made certain destinations more accessible and attractive than they may have been pre-pandemic, while traditionally popular destinations were less welcoming to large meetings and events until very recently.

GDP’s report found that the top US destinations for meetings and events in 2021 were California, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts (Boston), and Colorado. The top three trending states for 2022 are the same, with the fourth and fifth spots going to Hawaii and Nevada (Las Vegas), respectively.

When it comes to international destinations, Mexico was the top choice in 2021, followed by European destinations: the UK, Spain, Germany, and a tie between Italy, Denmark, and France. The reports also shows that planners in the US and Europe are considering more locations outside their respective continents for 2022.

“Our partners and clients around the world are emerging from the extremely difficult time of the pandemic shutdown and want to know which markets are not only safe but ready for groups so that they can make informed decisions around future planning," said Global DMC Partners President and CEO Catherine Chaulet in a statement.

She continued: "Looking at the results of our Q3 Meeting & Events Pulse Survey, they clearly demonstrate how in 2021, planners in Europe were staying regional for their programs. The same was true with U.S. clients who were keeping meetings within the U.S., or in Mexico and the Caribbean. However, when looking at 2022 regions of interest, it is evident that planners are really starting to look outside their own regions for meetings and events. This is a great sign that business is starting to rebound, and the world is once again becoming more accessible."